Many of Toronto’s designers and discerning homeowners prefer to use natural materials such as granite slabs for interior elements and accents. Natural products such as wood and stone help to reconnect the inhabitants of the home with nature, and serve as a bridge between the outside world and the family space. Some homeowners like to research where the elements came from, sourcing recovered beams from rustic barns, for example, or learning about where their granite slabs were quarried. Our granite slabs are a top choice for Toronto and GTA homeowners because of the beauty, versatility, and durability they offer.
Where Do Granite Slabs in Toronto Actually Come From?
For thousands of years, granite slabs have been used in art and architecture. Granite is an igneous rock primarily composed of crystallized feldspar and quartz, along with the occasional presence of other minerals such as mica or hornblende. Granite slabs are available in a wide variety of colours, and the varying percentages of minerals are what account for the rock’s colour, veining and crystallization, making each granite slab unique. Quartz alone can be creamy white, pink or red, smoky grey, golden, or amethyst toned. Feldspar may give granite blue, green or red hues. Mica can contribute black, green, red, yellow or brown highlights. The minerals trapped in the stone catch the light, and when granite is properly processed and finished, it can possess a refractive quality that is extremely attractive. Granite is second only to diamonds in hardness, with a rating of 6.5 on the Mohs scale. It won’t scratch, break, or crack, and it’s virtually stain resistant.
Granite Slabs purchased in Toronto actually come from quarries in many parts of the world, including North America, Italy, Brazil, Norway, China, India, and Spain. Aberdeen, Scotland is known as “the Granite City,” and New Hampshire’s nickname is “the Granite State.” Many beautiful buildings and monuments have been constructed with granite, including the ancient Red Pyramid of Egypt, which uses both granite and limestone blocks, and the more modern Vietnam Veteran’s monument in Washington, DC, a V-shaped memorial wall made from 500 feet of polished black Indian granite. Many beautiful public buildings boast granite columns, accents, or floors.
For many years, granite slabs were attainable only by the very wealthy. Fortunately, the development of more efficient extraction methods, such as the diamond wire saw, has made granite flooring, countertops, and other elements more widely affordable. After granite has been extracted from the quarry, it is processed. Steps in this process include:
• Dressing. This involves a preliminary smoothing of the sides of a block of granite.
• Cutting/Sawing. Once dressing is completed, the block can be sawed or sliced into granite slabs.
• Surface Grinding and Polishing. Depending on the purpose the granite will be used for, it will be now be ground to a polished, honed or fine-rubbed finish.
The granite slabs are then shipped, where further processing will be required to make them ready for home use as floor slabs, floor or wall tiles, or countertops.
Choose Slabs for Granite Flooring in Toronto Design Projects
There are several premium granite slab suppliers in Ontario. Some import their own stone and keep a large inventory at their showrooms or warehouses. We are able to supply our customers from three convenient locations in Ontario including Ottawa, Windsor and Toronto with granite slabs for flooring, and other natural stone elements that will bring the timeless beauty of nature into your home.